Sunday 21 April 2013

Colorful Gummies

Dear dessertslovers,
This will be my last post already since tomorrow is the due date of this report. Let me once again introduce you another favorite sweet I like. :)Are you thinking this is just an ordinary gummy sold in supermarket?NO!! They are totally different from what you usually bought from Coles.....
They are way juicy-ER!! AND LESS FAT!! Do you realize some gummies got oil in the package? But this one doesn't! Less oil = Healthier!!

These 2 photos are different type of gummies from the same store. I like the second one better coz it's fruitier and colorful :)  
I couldn't differentiate the flavors of the fist pic. 1. Because I'm sick for days (couldnt taste much) 2. Coz they are all berries=.= Anyway.. I prefer the second one :DI love lime, lemon, strawberry and orange.. Maybe coz they're all a bit sour? >3< I dunno!
If you guys had the first one, please share it here! to let the others know what are the flavors <3
Hope you all can find a time to try out the desserts we shared..  

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