Sunday 21 April 2013

Time to treat yourself better before a new week started:)

 Good morning world!:>
Are you now rushing to go to school or work?
Lets recharge yourself at the beginning of the week!!
Now Joey would like intoroduce you a lovely dessert which you may 
find everywhere~~
It is healthy and yummy at all
And the main point is you dun have to go far away to buy it!!!

Yes! It is Sara Lee Cheese Cake~
You may simply buy it in woolworth or coles~
Do take this 5 minutes before your lesson or work~
Because some said eating dessert will make you feel better~
So why dun you treat yourself better before a busy week start?
Its no doubt not to buy a little stuff to make yourself feel happy:)

(one little thing out of focus: 
do u know there is no sara lee cheesecake in hk!!!
So when I shopped in woolworth yesterday,
I feel so excited @@
Why there are so many Sara Lee products?
In hk, there is only one type of Sara Lee product, which is a cake.
And l suddenly feel how lucky am I that l could study here haha )


 It make from scratch, and French cream cheesecake,
combines fresh cream, real Neufchatel cheese, natural vanilla 
and a delicious high sided biscuit base

Here is a tip to prepare the cheesecake!
If you can, you may add some fruit on the top of the cheesecake:)
Like me~This time, I add some fresh banana slices on it!
I really depend on you~
But I like fruit, so I  prepare the banana hahaha
Next time I may choose strawberrires or blueberries:)

Thats the final product!:)
Remember to share your cheesecake with the others:)
Or otherwise you may get fat:P


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