Wednesday 17 April 2013

~~ welcome to my wonderland ~

Hey guys!!! Its me jerec again =]

wt do u feel abt my last post
"YogurtBerry ~ the place for fun n gossip !"

anyway hope u guys like n enjoy it=]

Although its just a hw, 

but i really wking hard on it....

so plz leave me a comment or share it with yr fds 

i will be very hapi with that =] !!!!!

So back to the topic!!! This time , i would like to bring u into my wonderland !!!!!


(ok now u may wanna say wt_ but plz keep it until u finish reading it plz!!!)

ok so its time for me to talking about ZEN Q Desserts (ZEN Q in my word) 

First look at the menu , so so so many opinions that u hv !!!
Second, its so so so much like HK!!!! 
( u guys may not know im actually a oversea students from hk XP )
Therefore, its really make me feel home when the first time i came here !!!!!
(XP poor quality of pictures XP)

hv a look of the inside 
(no ppl this time so i can take as many as i can XP)

so wt did i order this time !?


!!!!! Honey classic toast !!!!!

!!!!! its my favorite !!!!!

Actually there is many toasted bread sticks inside 
u can eat with the cream,ice-cream and the honey 
( sorry for not putting the honey into this photos =[ ) 
as me, i like to eat with the ice-cream and put a little money on top of it
because the bread stick r still hot and when u r putting some ice-cream on it
the hot and cold feeling its really fantastic !!!!

SO if u r also HK or China or Taiwin or Japan or Asian Students
come here n try, it might help yr homesick 
or if u r sbd wanna trying sth really q n sweet , then u shd also can to ZEN Q too!!!
(actually its a taiwin shop, so everytime i go here i speak in chinese , it make me feel hm too XD !!!)

Go to this ZEN Q Desserts to find out more 
( go n check out their menu and their shops location)

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