Tuesday 16 April 2013

YogurtBerry ~ the place for fun n gossip !

Hey guys, its me Jerec. Im going to show you some fantastic desserts in Sydney in this blog( actually with my group mates !)  And for this time, we r going to one of the famous frosty yogurt shop ~~Yogurt Berry ~~ !!!

This is the shop that located next to Epping station.
(p.s. their sharp pink design is so eye catchy!!!)

This is how its look from outside 
( !!! sorry for not showing u guys the pictures inside cox there r many ppl  orz !!!)

So if u r the first time heard abt Yogurt Berry
Then u may be shack about the following thing
but before that you have to choose your favour of yogurt.
(normally there are 6 different favour but as i know there are 8-10 
favour in the shop in Ashfield so u may go n have a look!!! )

 Then is the most exciting part!!! Adding toppings !!!
 As they said ( yogurt berry imean) 
there are 20 different type of toppings u can choose, 
however as we saw in this photo, im sure there is more !!!!!

                      This is the one i bought this afternoon (!!!!!! so yummy !!!!!)
(actually i personally think that this is a very good place for you 
to spent the whole day with you friends and talking about gossip XP 
dont tell anybody i told u that !!!) 

Go to this YogurtBerry to find out more 
(like the address of their shops etc ...... actually they r everywhere xp)

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