Monday 15 April 2013


Hey guys! Well... since this is my first post, I think I should give a brief intro of myself.. :D
My name's Bonnie... From HK, currently studying in Sydney.. Hmmm...I eat a lot of sweets and I love sweet stuffs! #Chocolate#Candies#Desserts
This blog is a group assignment of a course I'm studying now (nothing to do with food)
My team mates and I chose this topic coz we are 100% passionate abt it! At least I am.  XD
This marshmallow probably is the best one I've ever tried.  
When you have your first bite, you will immediately fall in love with it!! >3< 
They are not like the one you saw from any other supermarkets. What are the differences??
You will feel the softness of it, like cloud, like air...
Every single one of them has different taste, passion fruit, lavender, lime... I love the passion fruit one the best. See the bottom light yellow color cube in the bag? That's the passion fruit one. They are made of real fruit juice, puree. You can just tell it from the passion fruit seed on it :P
Don't worry, the seed is eatable. :)

This is a picture of the marshmallows inside the plastic bag.
O! Btw, you don't have to worry abt the freshness too!
Coz the marshmallows are packed in a sealed plastic bag inside the resealable bag. =.=" Hope you understand what i mean... Anyway, the next post will be on Wednesday. So see you soon! 

1 comment:

  1. SWEETNESS The Patisserie (the shop where they sell and produce the desserts)is located at 38 Oxford street, Epping, Sydney, NSW, 2121. You don't have to physically be there to purchase, you can order it online now :)
